Office: 616.451.8467 Mailing Address: 700 Ethel SE Grand Rapids, MI 49506

Join us for in-person worship on Sunday at 10 AM.
Summer Office hours:
Monday – Thursday
8 AM – 3:00 PM


10 AM Sunday, July 14: Rev. Rebecca Jordan Heys preaches from 2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19, and we welcome Aaron Polet to lead us in ministry of music.

July 7 worship video

Our former Pastoral Intern, Kelsey Bruinwood, preaches from 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10, and we celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. We welcome Kathryn Becksvoort to lead us in ministry of music.

Calvin Church is a community of people learning to follow Jesus. As a church, we believe that in Jesus Christ, God is transforming individuals, communities, and the whole world, and we welcome anyone who’s curious about following Jesus to come, visit, and see if you’d like to join what we’re up to.

Secure Online Giving

Electronic giving is now available to those who find it convenient. Please use this GIVING link or use the QR code.