Office: 616.451.8467 Mailing Address: 700 Ethel SE Grand Rapids, MI 49506

Join us for in-person worship on Sunday at 10 AM.
Office hours:
Monday – Thursday
8 AM – 4:30 PM


Calvin Church is a community of people learning to follow Jesus. As a church, we believe that in Jesus Christ, God is transforming individuals, communities, and the whole world, and we welcome anyone who’s curious about following Jesus to come, visit, and see if you’d like to join what we’re up to.

Secure Online Giving

Electronic giving is now available to those who find it convenient. Please use this GIVING link or use the QR code.

Classis-wide Pentecost Worship Service

Over the past months, as the churches of Classis GRE have been discerning their relationships to the denomination and to each other, there have been opportunities for the members of Classis GRE to gather for communal prayer via Zoom. As we’ve moved through the themes of LAMENT, SURRENDER, and RESURRECTION, we’ve been able to celebrate our life together, seek the Spirit’s leading, and surrender our hurts, fears, and desires to God’s will. We now look forward to gathering in person on May 19, 6:00 PM at the Calvin University Chapel, to worship, pray, and gather at the Lord’s Table. Everyone is welcome! Various pastors will guide us through prayer and communion, and we will pray over our classis delegates to synod. (Those who are interested in being part of a combined choir should plan to attend a rehearsal at 4:00 on May 19; please reach out to Chan Gyu Jang, director of music at Woodlawn CRC ( to rsvp or request more information.)